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Release Your Selling Potential
With the VP who led Splunk EMEA through IPO

Who are you?

Professional Male


You provide growth capital and expertise to digital healthcare and SaaS businesses. You need companies in your portfolio to find product-market fit, gain traction and scale their revenues fast.


You need to acquire customers to secure the next milestone investment. You need an injection of expertise (sales process and technology) to get the team moving in the right direction.


Scaling-up the recurring revenue engine is your priority, from building quality pipeline to securing renewals. With your People partner you must engage and develop top talent to create future leaders.

Man at his Desk


You run an incubator for start-ups or a school of entrepreneurial studies. You know companies succeed when they focus on the customer so you want to equip founders with the skills needed to gain traction.

What My Clients Say

Tim Barker

Kooth CEO

"James did an incredible job defining our positioning and target growth segments, establishing product/market fit, and building our sales and marketing machine. He’s taken us through the 'zero to one' journey...closing one of our largest ever ARR deals"


Dr Ross Harper

Limbic Founder & CEO

"James was engaged to help develop a sales process and forecasting approach. He produced a sales playbook/manual and in parallel supported our Hubspot implementation from data migration through to live usage by the sales team"


Jurek Sikorski

Director Of The Henley Enterprise Lab

"James was a hit with our students last year so we invited him back. His real-world experience brings to life the challenges budding entrepreneurs face as they enter the world of business, and attempt to master the art of selling"


Mattson (Sandler Training), Schodorf & Fanelli (Splunk)

The Success Cadence

"We are talking, ultimately, about a cross-functional team focus. What are we going to do on a weekly/monthly/quarterly basis to make sure we are keeping each other honest and accountable on making and executing the scaling decisions as a team?

Are we makng the decisions that will keep us on track with our individual plans, all the way through to the company strategic plan?"

Quote by James Murray, Sales Leader

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How BlueNest Consulting Help

“The opponent within one's own head is more formidable than the one on the other side of the net”.

Tim Gallwey, The Inner Game of Tennis

The biggest obstacle to performance can be our self-limiting beliefs, 'saboteurs' that hold back our full potential. Overcoming the obstacles to performance is what I do at the individual, team and company level.


My help is underpinned by 30+ years of understanding what works in sales together with Positive Intelligence®️ (used by Stanford University and Google). I wear 3 hats: coach, consultant and 'do-er', in each case the underlying approach has 3 steps...


Where are we now?

Understand the 'as-is' situation, the model of how things are now


Where do we want to be?

Visualise the 'to-be' situation, the vision of future performance


How do we get there?

Identify and build the 'required capability' to get to the vision and then execute!

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Is the pain of staying the same greater than the pain of change?

If you said 'YES', lets do a 9 minute phonecall to qualify if I can help

Ready to grow your business?

Thanks for getting in touch!

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